Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Egypt Become a Democratic State?

91% of Egypt is muslim!  The country's 8% coptic orthodox and 1% other Christians are routinely persecuted.

Islam, a cult and culture of hate, does not understand democracy and requires a heavy hand to keep its followers under control. If Mubarak is unseated, you are blowing smoke up your own a** if you think a democracy will take its place. You read it here first- without Mubarak or his vice president to weild the heavy hand of a paternal. autocratic regime, Egypt will slide into the muslim mire of an islamic-fundamentalist theocratic regime. That is, from one who is very supportive of the US war on terror (or overseas contingency operation if you're from Haaarvaard) and tolerant of Israel's right to exist to one who is complicit in terror operations and intent on Israel's destruction. The only solution for Israel may very well be the use of tactical nuclear weapons in weilding its own heavy hand or it can simply submit to its own destruction- after all, they no longer have a friend in the White House!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fishing/Hunting in the Poconos

I was out looking for a few left over pheasants last Saturday at Beltzville and while I could hear a couple of them cackling in the briars next to the lake, their calls were muted by the steady drone of the gas augers out on the ice.  More than a few ice fisherman were out there braving the elements and trying their luck.  I didn't hear any yahoos out of them and they heard no shots from my Remington 870.  Better luck to all of us next week.

Fossil Hunting in Pennsylvania Site #2

                                                      Site #2  Indian Mountain Golf Course
A little know site, (I think I may be the one who found fossils there first), not too far from Beltzville Lake is the Indian Mountain Golf Course located north on Pohopoco Drive to end then left (west) on Rt 534. There are very productive outcrops along the steep cartpath between the 4th green and 5th tee.  This isn't anywhere near a fairway or green and digging isn't necessary because the productive outcrop is exposed but I always ask for permission anyway.  If there are alot of golfers, I would stop at top or bottom so others can get by as there is only room for one cart.  There are also many fossil-laden rocks between holes 7 and 8- closer to the teebox for #8.  This is a great place to satisfy a love for golf and fossil hunting at the same time.

NOTE: The groundskeeper is known to be rude and obnoxious so I would suggest getting permission from whoever is working the register in the clubhouse.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fossil Hunting in Pennsylvania Site#1

If you live in Pennsylvania and are interested in fossil hunting, you should consider joining the Delaware Valley Paleontology Society,, which hosts field trips.  If you are not already familiar with some of the productive sites in Pa., consider following this blog's posts for such information.   I will only post information about sites that I've visited recently so that access information is current.
                                                        Site #1.  Beltzville Lake
Late Devonian (365 million years) fossils everywhere! They consist of what is referred to as "death assemblages" created when floods churned up the dead organisms in a sediment-filled warm sea.  In the warmer months you can wade into the water near the beach or picnic area and find tons of brachipods, crinoids, bryozoans, and trilobites-including the state fossil- Phacops.  Anytime of the year, check out the outcrops by the water near Pavillion #2 which are very productive.  Once or twice a year, the Army Corps of Engineers allow DVPS members access to the outcrops in the spillway-  loaded with Phacops.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO THERE WITHOUT PERMISSION.  They have been very responsive to trespassers since 9-11.