Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Egypt Become a Democratic State?

91% of Egypt is muslim!  The country's 8% coptic orthodox and 1% other Christians are routinely persecuted.

Islam, a cult and culture of hate, does not understand democracy and requires a heavy hand to keep its followers under control. If Mubarak is unseated, you are blowing smoke up your own a** if you think a democracy will take its place. You read it here first- without Mubarak or his vice president to weild the heavy hand of a paternal. autocratic regime, Egypt will slide into the muslim mire of an islamic-fundamentalist theocratic regime. That is, from one who is very supportive of the US war on terror (or overseas contingency operation if you're from Haaarvaard) and tolerant of Israel's right to exist to one who is complicit in terror operations and intent on Israel's destruction. The only solution for Israel may very well be the use of tactical nuclear weapons in weilding its own heavy hand or it can simply submit to its own destruction- after all, they no longer have a friend in the White House!

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